Brenda Nicholas
Poet, Writer, Editor, Professor

Available @ Broadstone Books
Available @ Kelsay Books
Book People
Austin, TX
Scattered Books Bookstore
Chappaqua, NY
Terra Sol Sanctuary
Wilmington, NC
Brenda Nicholas teaches at Cape Fear Community College & serves as faculty editor of Portals: A Literary and Arts Magazine. She earned her M.A. in English at The College of Saint Rose in Albany, NY, and her M.F.A at UNC-Wilmington.
Online Publications
Chautauqua Journal
The Portland Review
"Waiting for the Sun" & "Pulling Weeds"
"Dear Tubs"
La Presa
Two ekphrastic poems responding to R.C. Gorman's art: "Climb Out!" & "If"
"Reflection," "Woman, Flower, Midsummer Night," "Spring Dance"
"How to Make Boxed Shells in 8 Easy Steps," & "When Soap Operas Follow Fairy Tale Plots"
"Woman on Edge"
"Child's Pose,""Chair Pose," & "Corpse Pose"
“Bratz Dolls Ask Brunette, Roxxi Bratz, to Write Response Letter to Critics Who Say the Dolls “Encourage girls to think about themselves as sexualized objects”
The 3 Quarter Review
More Places to Find My Poems
"I See This Sculpture and Think My Back is Not a Bridge," Sand Hills Literary Magazine, Volume #25
"Gossip," Connecticut River Review, 2021
"Leonine Mane," "For the Woman Who Eats Dirt," & "I Need Dramamine," Evening Street Review, Number 31
“How Long Can a Butterfly Live?”, Adanna, Issue #8
“Three Odes to a Tactile Past,” Snapdragon, summer 2017
“Cinderella’s Night Out,” The Helix, fall 2014. Print
“She, Artichoke,” The Jet Fuel Review, fall 2014.
“Karma Spider,” Illya’s Honey, November 2011. Print
“Public Spectacles,” Red River Review, August 2011. Print
“Swig.” Main Channel Voices, January, 2008. Print
“I Taste Fire." Rumble: Micro fiction Magazine, November 2007
"Bird of Paradise Pose," The Avocet, Fall 2020
News & Events
Day Swallows Night is here!
I am so grateful for the energy, diligence, and professionalism I experienced with Broadstone Books throughout this publishing process.

Adrift a Fourth Wave featured at Book People in Austin, TX!
Hari Om, Hurry Home book Launch Reading & Book signing Event happening at Terra Sol Yoga Sanctuary on April 13 @ 7:30 PM. Register Here for this Free Event

Hari Om, Hurry Home makes the news!

Promo piece for They Call Us Zine about my poem "Money as Factory."

We had a terrific turnout for our
faculty reading on March 3rd!
A grand time
was had by all. I'm lucky to
work with such talented

Top row: Dr. Bev Van Note, Tina
Cabrera, Dr. Christopher Krejci. Bottom row: Dr. Robert Hamilton, Brenda Nicholas